
Monday, June 7, 2010

Assuit belt and bras done!

Ahhhhh finally getting to post the costumes we have been working so hard on! Here is the costumes complete.... The assuit belts are done, the bras are also covered with assuit and have D rings in the back. the harem pants also made by us. The 10 yrd cotton skirts are also done by yours truly. After making those skirts, I am never hand gathering again! I am buying a foot for my machine and serger! NEVER AGAIN! we also made the silver over skirts but you can't see them. It was really hot out and we tucked a lot of our skirts in order to not be so hot. Everyone draped their own chain on their bras and we also attached the kuchi charms to the center. Everything I have on (Last on the left) I have sewn myself! Even my headband!

I actually took pictures while i was sewing the last assuit belt so i'll have a bit of tutorial to post with it. Ive posted enough tonight so I'll save that for another night. Plus my cat and my boyfriend are snoring here in bed! :)

Pirate Cat ship!

gift from mom......
many, many parts and pieces!
Took me over an hour to set up!
This is what it looks like....

And neither of my cats will go in it! I think they may be scared!

Another Gift for Mom!

Ahh. Another gift for mom done. Yes I'm late blogging. I had this old square sequined fabric leftover that I swore I never would sew again. I'm trying to destash my crafts and use what I have. I previously blogged about making a heart wreath and mom liked them alot. So I decided to make her some... Like 3. I played with colors and positioning of the smaller wreath and I like what turned out! Hot glue, heart styrofoam wreaths, and a few slightly burned fingers. :) I can't wait to see when she hangs them up! :)

Mom's table runner is finished! :)

Ahh yes I have been a bit of a slacker when it comes to bloggin but i'm playing catch up tonight since I got to take a nap today. Here is the Thanksgiving table runner I cross-stitched for my mom! Had I not had costumes to sew I would have finished it closer to her birthday (February 2nd) and not May (I did get it to her for mother's day!). I completely cheated and used stitch witchery and grossgrain ribbon for the outline of the table runner. The runner actually puckers a bit but that's how the fabric was when I got it. I made do with what i had. But it turned out great! I'm so excited! :) She now has 2 thanksgiving table runner (the other one was a turkey i made 2 years ago). and now napkins to match. I serged a few napkins after I finished the table runner. You can kind of see them on top! I love when projects are complete!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My bellydancer self now on canvas

Tada! we went painting at paint party studios and i painted myself as a dancer! I love it and of course I had to add bling! :) What girl doesn't love sparkly things!