
Friday, May 13, 2011


All is right in the blogger world as blogger is now fixed! Wow did it take a long time to get back online or what? I did loose one of my posts, which I will be patient and give it the rest of the weekend to restore itself.

Today is Friday, and TGIF. It has been a long week with paper editing and figure editing. Luckily the first paper will go out. Ahhhh. Nice. Serenity. My brain is still a bit fried at the moment, hence why I have caught up on my blog tabs. I should now be caught up with the latest projects into the tabs.

A wonderful thing did happen of a result of my analytical editing, when I got home all I wanted to do was sew and I knew exactly what I wanted to do! The past 2 nights, I got 2 refashions done and I started another. Stay tuned, once I get my camera uploaded I will post. The first refashion was a skirt I turned into a dress. It was a 3XL! Its super cute. The second was a Laura Ashely like dress that is now a top. And the third one was the dress I called the green monster. It is all green and probably was a liturgical dress from the 90s. It amazes me what sometimes just taking up the hem and cutting off the sleeves does to a hideous dress! That one is almost done too! Stay tuned!

Also I am going to participate in this week's Iron Craft Challenge. The past 2 weeks were super easy but I never got my act together. This week I am determined! The challenge is tee time. So turn a drab tshirt into a fab one. And I have my idea. :) If it works out it will be awesome! Giddy. But seriously I can't draw!

Alright, almost time to leave here. It will be time to get sushi in a bit and I am super hungry! Oh yeah and Relay for Life tonight!

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