
Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I am not dead I just have not learned how to sew laying down... :( About a month ago, I suffered an injury to my back that never went away. This past weekend while at mobicon the combination of performing and teaching made the injury worse. I went to a doctor, they think its muscular luckily, I just need to take it easy. No more dancing. Sigh. Tho a theory has been proposed I have injured a hip/butt muscle that is pulling on my spine leading to the lower back pain. And after reingniting this injury, my bum hurts and so does my back.

The plus side of this is I am not allowed to lean over. I have to squat to pick something up. I am getting thighs of steel! :)

I am hoping to get some blogs done by this weekend. I finished 2 dresses. Started another one. And pulling out the seams of a pair of capri pants that will make a cute skirt! I would like to get them all posted so I can join several link parties. I got nothing online this week. I am so sad!

Here's to my back healing and me getting some sewing done! :)


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