
Monday, June 20, 2011

Patriotic Refashion

Yes I am coming back from the dead. Well I am coming back from the ground with my back problems. But I am slowly rejoining the world but no physical activity yet. Luckily this doesn't pertain to sewing. :) And I can stand and sit longer. So now I am playing blog catch up! :)
This refashion project was not intended to be patriotic but somehow it became patriotic.

I started off with a tank top I had. It was a cute red sweater knit tank top, that came with a cardigan I got at goodwill one day. I liked the top but its a tad too short for me to wear at work. I kept it because I thought I could maybe figure out something to do.
One day online shopping, where I get ideas for my refashions when my brain hurts. I noticed a lot of dresses have these built in elastic waistbands. Then I had my aha moment... turn it into a dress!

Both of these dresses I found online at modcloth. So cute yet so easy to make!

I search and searched my fabric stash but nothing really sang to me. Then one of the last piles I went thru had some light-medium color denim. I thought it would look nice paired with the red tank and a wide white elastic belt. So off I went.

Here is what I did...

First I got about a yard of wide elastic from Hancocks. They were out of black so I had to go for white, guessing it was fate. I got the widest they had, think around 2 inches. There was a 4 inch but that was too wide.

Next for the actual length, I took the elastic and laid it on top of the top, then I added 1/2 inch seam allowance on each side. But we won't sew it together yet.

Time to make the skirt! Now I did not measure anything out for the width, but for the length I went for 25 inches. Why don't know, just felt like a good number. The length went down to my knees and then i could hem it. I wanted to create a gathered effect for the skirt b/c if i didn't I would not fit over my rump!

I took the denim and lined it up with the elastic (right sides together). Next I went to the sewing machine. I sewed the denim to the elastic, while i stretched elastic. Wow first time sewing denim and first time sewing and stretching elastic. This was a challenge! It was hard to get my mojo going stretching while sewing together. Definitely took some coordination!

Natasha helping me out!

Sewed to the end and we have half a skirt. Next, I sewed down the seam for the skirt and we were in business. I did not hem it b/c I did not know how this was going to turn out.

Next sew the top to the skirt. I lined up right sides together: bottom of the top with the top of the skirt. Stitch down.

Turn everything out the right way. Ok. then I hemmed the bottom. Voila! Done!

Here is the end product.

Now with a cardigan for work!

By the luck of my fingers the skirt just fits. It has a bit of a pencil like appearance which I have no idea how it happened.

Yay here is to catching up my blog and my life. I am not fond of being a slacker or being able to keep up with my own life! More to come!



  1. SOOO CUTE! and perfect for the upcoming July 4th holiday! (although I'm a big fan of red, white and blue all year!) just launched a tank refashion party on my blog and would LOVE it if you would come link up!

  2. this is adorable!! I don't look good in these dresses but you have made me want to try again!! thanks for linking up to handmade tuesdays @ ladybug blessings.

  3. Lovely one!I might do something like this with a few too-short tops i have in my closet ^^
