
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

elft cross stitch- Iron craft challenge

This week's iron craft challenge was "shrink to fit". Everything is always cuter when it is smaller. :) Now I had to think of what could I do for this challenge? My goal in joining iron craft this year (which I have enjoyed greatly) was to get my butt moving in making a dent in my craft stash. I swear I am not a hoarder but I do have a lot of everything.... a fabric stash that takes up a closet. A pattern hoarde that is over past the shelf I gave it on my desk.... boxes of beads and jewelry findings. A big box (plus a shopping bag) of other crafts- cross stitch, needle point, felt kits. By being a member of Iron craft I have got myself a crafting and a sewing but I still wanted to stay on track!

So thinking about it, I had a mini-cross stitch kit in my pile. Aha! That is what I shall do! Make a christmas ornament b/c it is not too early to start making things for the holidays! Because while I choose this small kit....

I should have been working on my large christmas stocking...the one I only have 1 color started. Sigh...

But I chose my little elf. He was so cute....

Here is a timeline of how long it took. Really it was very easy for a counted cross stitch, I flew through it!

After Day 1- got a good chunk of the lower body done

After Day 2- next we have upper body

After Day 3- all stitches done. Just need to do backstitches but I opted to watch college football.

After Day 4- All Complete Now just need to cut out. Will wait until tomorrow b/c sleepy + exacto knife = hospital trip

Day 5- all done! Iron Craft Complete with time to spare! Yeah! :)

Thanks for reading. Now on to the next challenge. And here is to me using my stash!


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