
Friday, September 2, 2011

Weekend Goals!

So, it is Labor Day weekend. And we have a huge tropical storm brewing in the Gulf of Mexico (and giving me horrible pressure headaches). The forecast, rain, rain, and more rain. The only positive is the temperature is forecasted to be in the 80s, a nice change from the blistering 90+++ temperatures. So no beach for me! The positive-football season is back! My boyfriend is estatic! For me, I need to recoup the knee some from its grueling pt sessions and still rest it. Which means sewing for me! Yeah!!!

Here are some goals for this weekend....
1. Sew 3 items from a pattern! I have 2 dresses which in the evening I have been cutting. I find cutting the fabric actually be the most time consuming part of making a garment from a pattern.
2. Sew at least 3 things for Alicia's baby shower coming up on the 17th. I am still currently brainstorming several ideas.
3. Refashion 3 items. At least 1-2 need to be for the Seasonal Transitions Challenge of the refashion co-op.

Yes everything is in 3s. I just felt like it! If I go over 3 then hooray!
The goal is to get some sewing done here this weekend. It is a good weekend since it is a 3 day weekend and we have a ton of rain. I hope to also find some time and go to Hancock and Joann fabrics to see their pattern sale. :)

Also this may be the weekend I hit 100 fabric points! Can't wait!

Have a great weekend everyone!


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