
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

IC 13-6 Peeps

This is usually my favorite Iron Craft Challenge- when Iron Craft first started I made this Bellydance Diorama for the challenge.

This was a big ordeal to make but I loved it. It was awesome. Last year I was not part of Iron Craft to put a dent in sewing. So First I thought I would make a candle decor.

yeah no. tried flowers that did not work. 

So I slapped them into a vase. They were kind of cute. LOL

So not my best iron craft. I did not want to go and buy more peeps b/c I would then eat them... I have a wedding to be in-got to keep my girly figure. ;)

Ok so here's to next iron craft and coming out with a bang! LOL


1 comment:

  1. It's still cute though. I always think this is a tough challenge.
