
Monday, October 5, 2015

Knit pantsuit- Vogue pattern 9116

When I first saw this pattern in the Vogue release, 9116, I just had to have it! It just seemed like the perfect romper pattern!

There are 2 options for the romper: with and without straps.

Then in one of my Hancock fabric trips (which I have held back for many weeks- my wallet thanks me), I found this awesome black, pink, and white mosaic chevron pattern- I knew this pattern just had to be made with this fabric.

It is a super easy cut, but I can just see I might have issues with the width of the pants. But first I needed to sew it and see how it hangs on me. I opted for a size 10 (a size under where I normally cut) since there seems like a lot of ease in this pattern. And wow these were big pant legs. I mean like woah... well run with it.

Pretty easy sew b/c it is a knit and I love sewing with knits.

Truly, this looks more like a dress than a pantsuit. Which is probably why I like it. So it isn't as drapey like the first picture but I also don't like low cut things. I already have issues with the coverage on this thing- I have to tack it closed or else the top pops open. The length is great for me or anyone tall. If you are shorter then you will definitely need to take off the length. I am glad it is a small pattern when it came to selection of a fabric. It blends everything in and no matching. I don't think I would have liked this pantsuit had I done it in a solid color.



  1. You look great in this! You can put a snap where needed for the modesty issue or a lightweight pin of some sort. Bravo. Job well done!

  2. You look great in this! You can put a snap where needed for the modesty issue or a lightweight pin of some sort. Bravo. Job well done!

  3. You look really good in it! And I can see that you can dress it up or wear it in a casual way. I love sewing with knits too. It doesn't fray and if the fit isn't exactly right it doesn't matter because of the stretch. ;-)
