Well hi welcome to my little blog. Just my little corner of craftiness, sewing, and refashioning. I am also a newly gluten free eater so you have a little bit of recipes mixed in here.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Preserving Family Memories

My parents came to visit and I got my grandmother's hope chest. My mom was looking to get rid of it but I could not part with family history. I never knew my grandmother, as she passed before I was born, but I know that she was into sewing, crafts, and paint by numbers. So you can say creativity and arts/crafts is genetic.

My family does not have many ties to America as both sides immgrated not too long ago. My polish side has a few more years as they came through Ellis Island. My cuban side (my father's side) just recently came to America when my dad was under 10. They did not have much so we don't have many heirlooms on that side. Both sides are pretty frugal and didn't buy much so there is not much to pass done.

What I have left from my grandmother is her hope chest. Inside we have some vintage table cloths and napkins. I was excited to see what was in there. My mom went through it and spared some of the family heirlooms. And essentially I traded my rescued dog for the hope chest. I love you Miss Lopez, but I work too much to take care of you. And you will be spoiled rotten with my parents.

Here is what I have... (warning it is long!!)


- Florida and its cities

- Hawaii
Has holes :(

- Cream
has odd stains!

- white (very faint pattern- but in good shape).

- blue flowers

- red flowers

- cotton blossoms


Lace Mats. Mom said some where for under lamps

Furniture runners

Miscellaneous- 3 vintage purses

Oh yeah and a crotched coverup. She wore this in bed while she was sick so when people came to see her, she still looked nice and no one saw her in her PJs. Unfortunately this has a lot of stains.

What I am adding is the Alpha Delta Pi t-shirt quilt I am sewing from my college days. It brings back memories from college and that was very happy times. I hope to have a daughter who will follow in my footsteps and become an ADPi when she goes to college. It is not done yet but I expect it to be done by the end of the year.

Here's Natasha playing in the hope chest and me busting her. She had a field day playing in it while I was organizing and taking pictures.

Now to clean everything up and try and see if some can be salvaged to their original beauty. This may take some time and some research. Many of these items are over 50 years old!

Here is to preserving family memories. :)


1 comment:

sew vala said...

what an interesting post. Thanks. I have never heard of an hope chest before.


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